
A gallery of images of places I visited or memories.

Me on a date with Roshni, at the Victoria Memorial, Kolkata, December 2022.
Lake Burley Griffin
A quiet day in front of Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra. This image is interesting because the idea of black swans was essentially a myth until it was found for the first time in this region. Read about the black swan theory.
Trinity College
I took this photo by Byron's fountain in Trinity College, Cambridge when I was attending summer school at LSE.
Lake Ginninderra
Sunset at Lake Ginninderra, 2023.
Autumn in Melbourne, St. Paul's Cathedral, Victoria State Library and Flinder's St. Station, 2023.
Autumn in Canberra, 2023.
Monsoon in Agra, 2023.
Nepal in Winter, 2024.